8 Results for "asking for a raise"
Writing a Salary Increase Request Email: A Comprehensive Guide
Asking for a salary increase is a daunting task, but with the right approach you'll significantly improve your chances of success. Here's what you need to know.
4 Ways The Great Resignation Can Be an Advantage for Employees
The Great Resignation is still in full swing. Here's how you can use it to your advantage.
How to Ask for a Promotion—and Get It
Wanting a promotion and getting one are two different things. Here are three tips for asking for a promotion—and getting one.
The 4 Steps of Asking for a Raise—Plus a Sample Raise-Asking Script
Asking for a raise is scary. The good news is there are tested strategies you can use to ask for more money—and get it.
How to Ask Great Questions at Work [INFOGRAPHIC]
Asking questions at work can be a little embarrassing or feel unnecessary, but it's one of the best things you can do regarding job performance. Check out these tips on asking the right questions at work.
5 Things You Need to Start Doing to Earn a Promotion
Here's how to become an invaluable asset to your company, stand out from your peers, and be recognized for your contributions.
How to Ask for a Raise or Negotiate Your Salary
When negotiating your salary for a new job or asking for a raise in your current one, addressing certain things will increase your chances of getting more money.
6 Resolutions NOT to Make This Year
Of the 45 percent of Americans who make New Year's resolutions, only eight percent see them through, according to Reader’s Digest . That’s partly...