14 Results for "email etiquette"
4 Types of Networking Emails—and How to Write Them
To maximize your networking efforts, here are four types of emails that will help you go from “potentially forgotten contact” to “recommended job applicant.”
6 Networking Tips When You Don’t Have a Big Network
Here’s how to build strong relationships with your target companies when you don’t have family, friends, or friends-of-friends to reach out to.
The 5 Golden Rules of Sending Holiday Cards to Clients
It's well worth your time to go the extra mile and send holiday cards to your clients. Here are five essential rules that'll ensure you write the perfect notes.
3 Tips for Dealing with Your Crazy Full Inbox After a Vacation
One of the worst parts of vacation is dealing with the crazy number of new emails waiting for you when you return. To minimize the inbox pain when you're back in the office, here are three things you can do.
9 Trite Phrases to Stop Using in Work Emails (and What to Use Instead)
It’s hard to write original, authentic, and cordial work emails, but easy to use overused, insincere phrases. Here are nine trite phrases to eliminate from your emails—and why you need to cut them out.
How to Write a Networking Email That Gets a Response Every Time
Tired of sending networking emails that don't get a response? If you follow these five steps, you'll be on your way to networking success.
3 Rules for Writing Important Work Emails
Here are three essential rules for crafting high-quality important work emails.
That Should Be a Class: Basic Post-College Skills You’ll Probably Need to Teach Yourself
College prepares you for "real life"—right? Here we cover ways to pick up basic skills you need, but that school probably didn't teach you.
4 Tips for Corresponding with Recruiters
Today, many recruiters use LinkedIn to reach out to job candidates about open positions. Here are four things to keep in mind when you email with recruiters.
3 Bad Work Habits You Need to Break by 35
A decade of work experience should give you the wisdom to set aside bad habits that likely hindered your career in the past—like these three.