6 Results for "law school study tips"
The Best Study Tip for Last-Minute Exam Prep
Feeling behind in your law school exam prep? Midterms are just around the corner, and finals aren’t far behind—here’s our top tip for getting exam-day ready.
Tips for Recovering Your Law School GPA
If you didn’t achieve the grades you were hoping for this semester, here are some tips for future improvement.
1L Grades: How to Overcome a Disappointing First Semester
If you’re a 1L disappointed by your first semester law school grades, don’t panic. Follow these tips for improving your second semester strategy.
The 6 "P"s of Law School Exam Prep
Law school final exams are just weeks away. Follow these six study tips so that you're ready to beat the curve—and handle unexpected stress—on test day.
Strategies for a Successful Year of Law School
It's hard to shine in a sea of standouts. Here are 6 tips for making this year of law school a success.