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4 Results for "sick days"

Why Millennials and Gen Z Are Taking More Sick Days at Work

by Rob Porter | September 04, 2024

Millennials and Gen Z are taking more sick time away from work. Here's why.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

by Stephan Maldonado | March 03, 2020

It's cold and flu season, and with concern about the spread of coronavirus, people are taking steps to stay healthy. Here are 5 things you can do at work.

When It's Okay and Not Okay to Take Sick Days When You're Not Sick

by Kayla Heisler via Fairygodboss | July 03, 2018

There are times when using a sick day is a no-brainer, but what about the gray areas when you aren't sick but need a day off? Here, we help you navigate those gray areas.

5 Ways to Tell If Your Job Is Hurting Your Health

by Annamarie Houlis via Fairygodboss | January 29, 2018

how to know if your job is making you sick