13 Results for "working mothers"
Meet Kendra Blacksher, an Audit Senior Manager at RSM and Mother of Four
In this video, you’ll meet someone who embodies the role of nurturer—at home and at work. Kendra Blacksher is an audit senior manager at RSM and mother of four.
6 Things Working Moms Need Their Managers to Know
When you come back to work after maternity leave (or are a mom starting a new job), there are certain things you need your manager to know.
4 Tips for Successfully Returning to Work after Maternity Leave
Here are some helpful tips from Gladys Simen, a working mother and life coach, on making your return from maternity leave more successful and less stressful.
6 Ways to Retain Female Employees
Here are six tips that’ll help your company retain both prepartum and postpartum employees.
5 Essential Remote Work Tips for Working Parents
If you're a working parent still finding it hard to juggle work with family commitments, here are five ways to better manage your responsibilities.
The Benefits of Including Your Kids on Zoom Calls
Vault spoke with Jolene Cramer, a former Microsoft executive and now senior marketing director at Limeade, about why her kids are joining her video calls.
Working Mother's Best Law Firms for Women 2018
The results of Working Mother's 2018 Best Law Firms for Women are in. Read on for some of the innovative ways firms are approaching benefits and professional development for female attorneys.
6 Ways to Boost Productivity When You're Feeling Overwhelmed
We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. Here are several tips for increasing your productivity when it seems like you have a million things to do.
10 Personal Questions Never to Ask Your Coworkers
There are questions that we should never ask our colleagues, even if they’re our friends in the office. Here are some of those questions and why they're inappropriate.
When Motherhood Helps, Not Hurts, Your Career
when motherhood helps your careers