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Caplin & Drysdale

Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2022): 4 total (1 2Ls; 3 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2022): 1

Summer Associate Salary:


Summer Program Length:

9 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Ms. Nawel Moreno
Attorney & Paralegal Recruitment Manager
(202) 862-5010

The Firm Says

Caplin & Drysdale’s Tax group typically hires two-to-three 1L summer associates and one-to-two 2L summer associates (often former 1L summer associates returning from the previous summer). The firm strives to give summer associates as accurate an impression as possible of associate life at the firm. To that end, summer associates typically receive assignments from a broad cross section of the firm’s Tax practices, including at least one substantial writing project. Consistent with the firm’s informal, open-door culture, summer associates are encouraged to engage directly with the assigning attorneys, ask questions, and vet ideas.

Summer associates participate in informal training lunches during the summer covering topics such as use of the firm’s tax-specific research tools, legal research and writing, and overviews of the firm’s practice groups within tax. The firm also hosts social events throughout the summer so that summer associates can get to know the firm’s attorneys and staff.