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Herbert Smith Freehills LLP (New York)

Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2024): 4 (4 2Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2023): 3 out of 3

Summer Associate Salary:


Summer Program Length:

10 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Stephanie Fereaud
Recruiting and Professional Development Manager
(917) 542-7623

Our Survey Says

Training & Assignments

  • “The program was great, I worked on actual assignments, and had the opportunity to work directly with senior associates and partners on matters.”
  • “Training was holistic, yet ongoing, in the sense that we always had practicing attorneys available for any questions or inquiries. We received substantive and interesting work assignments.”
  • “I was given very substantive drafting and research assignments while working as a summer associate that really made me feel like I was a member of the team.”

The Firm Says

HSF NY’s 10-week summer program primarily consists of 2L students. We may consider other highly qualified 1L students. Summer associates will work among our litigation and international arbitration group and will become familiar with other practice groups by working on individual projects and matters throughout the summer.

Our goal is to provide each associate with real case experience during the program. Summer associates are staffed on active matters for firm clients and will be treated as part of the team. We believe the summer program should provide a genuine opportunity to evaluate us, life in the New York office, and what it means to be a junior associate at a top-ranked firm.

Training is provided throughout the summer on critical skills such as legal research and writing, deposition preparation, and written and oral advocacy. In addition to the hands-on training summer associates will receive through casework, we will provide formal training sessions in these areas led by our partners, senior associates, and outside experts. We will also assign a summer mentor to each associate to provide guidance and support on all aspects of the practice.

Lastly, there are numerous social outings throughout the summer program that allow summer associates to bond with their peers and other attorneys at the firm.