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Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP

Our Survey Says


Wheeler Trigg is looking for experience, from clerkships to lateral hires—even better if you have both on your resume! The firm is friendly and highly social, especially pre-COVID, with regular associate lunches and a ‘take-a-partner-to-lunch’ program, and paralegals and staff are valued members of the team. Associates feel valued by partners, and appreciate the firm’s recent change to providing real time reviews based around cases reaching a certain number of hours or concluding, versus one annual review. Formal training and mentor programs exist, though associates feel the best training is their early access to high-quality, substantive work—from running depositions, case strategy, or even entire cases very early in their time at the firm—and that independently developed mentorship relationships provide the greatest benefit. While hours can be high, the firm has no billable hour requirement and associates have control over the when and where of their work—although associates note that learning to manage the workload and when to say no to new work can be challenging. Wheeler Trigg’s salaries are not Cravath scale, but are comparable to other Denver area firms. Technology is where it should be to allow efficient remote work, and the firm provides wellness efforts including money towards personal wellness and HSA contributions. Promotion to partnership is considered realistic and even expected, though moving to a counsel or in-house role is also available. Up to 100 hours of pro bono are counted towards billable hours, and the firm has increased its diversity efforts in recent years, including creating a pipeline for 1L and 2L summer associates from underrepresented groups.

Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP

370 Seventeenth Street
Suite 4500
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 244-1800

Firm Stats

Chair: Michael O’Donnell
Co-Managing Partners: Carolyn Fairless & Michael Williams
Recruiting Chair: Drew Unthank
Total No. Attorneys (2022):
100 - 150
No. of Partners Named 2022:

Base Salary

1st year: $200,000

Employment Contact

Chloe Mercado
Attorney Recruiting Manager
(303) 244-1855
General Recruiting Email:

No. of U.S. Offices: 2

No. of International Offices: 0

Major Office Locations

Denver, CO
St. Louis, MO

Major Departments

Antitrust & Competition
Class Actions
Commercial Litigation
Employment Litigation
Environmental Litigation
Intellectual Property
Investigations & Compliance
Mass Torts
Medical Devices & Pharmaceuticals
Oil & Gas
Personal Injury Defense
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Toxic Torts
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.