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How can I apply for a job and is it better to send the application documents by email or via the online portal?

While we tend to do the bulk of our hiring on campus in the fall, we also look for experienced hires. Please visit our career pages for more information on campus visits, case interviews, and open positions.  Don’t forget to include a CV and cover letter with your application! We only accept applications via our online application portal.

How often can I apply at Simon–Kucher?

You can apply as many times and at several offices as you wish.

Do you have a training program?

Yes, throughout the year (in the US and abroad), we hold several sessions of STEPS, our week-long new hire training program. At STEPS, our newest employees work case studies and learn the ins and outs of our vision and values, fundamental consulting skills, and project tools. Every individual has a development plan to ensure they develop to be able to take the next career step at Simon-Kucher. The plan is a mix of onsite trainings, virtual trainings and self-learning, as well as continuous feedback.  

How does working at Simon-Kucher compare to larger firms? 

As a smaller company, there are certain advantages to working here: smaller project teams, greater responsibility, direct access to partners, more feedback, the ability to be involved with projects at every step, and faster progression within the company. Every consulting firm has a special culture with its own values. At Simon-Kucher, our values are impact, relationships, entrepreneurial spirit and the power of opportunity. We attract responsible, creative and driven people who contribute to our clients’ and our firm’s growth, right from the beginning. Read more about our common values here .

We may have fewer rules and set-in-stone processes than other firms because we rely on our associates’ common sense. In addition, we assign roles and responsibilities based on each individual’s skills rather than on job titles and hierarchies.

Percentage of the time travel?

We hear this question often. Many students who consider consulting are worried about the amount of time they’ll spend on the road and in the office. Though travel varies widely depending on your industry, client, and project, whenever possible, we try to take advantage of our global reach by staffing projects using local consultants (to keep your travel to a minimum).