“An opportunity to grow and learn in construction management (if you want)”
You can make the internship what you want it to be. I have been offered endless amounts of learning and growth opportunities with support from everyone in the company. My supervisors have been extremely helpful mentors and even outside of my direct supervisors I have been able to find support and learning opportunities as I seek them, but I take the initiative to find the opportunities that are outside of my job description to further my knowledge.
There isn't much exposure to other job positions within the company. If you're exploring what kind of job you'd like to have, it may not be ideal.
Advice to Potential Interns
I would advise any potential intern to show drive and initiative. If you do, you will be recognized and rewarded for it and it will pay off. You can work hard become a strong, important member of your team or you can do the bear minimum and still get paid, but the work is worth it.
Advice to Management
Allow more exploration of different departments through rotation or training opportunities.
Would You Recommend
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