Impostor syndrome, defined by Psychology Today as "a pattern of behavior where people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud." Or, for those of us without psych degrees: You constantly feel inadequate and as if someone's going to "find out" that you're not qualified for your job. Millennials are often tapped as the ones experiencing this phenomenon the most—which makes sense considering they're on the younger end of the working professional spectrum. But, according to the International Journal of Behavioral Science, 70 percent of all people will, at some point, feel the effects of impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome can manifest in the workplace in many ways, be it feeling like you lack the knowledge or experience to fulfill your role or feeling as if, unless you do everything yourself, you're not pulling your weight. This flowchart from can help you determine which type of impostor syndrome afflicts you, and how to combat it effectively.
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