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Education Blogs
The Power of Legal Clinics: Gaining Practical Skills and Experience as a Law Student
In this post by law editor Travis Whitsitt, we make the case for working in a legal clinic if at all possible during your law school tenure.
Making the Most of Mock Interviews: Turning Feedback into Actionable Improvement
In this post by law editor Travis Whitsitt, we offer several actionable tips on preparing for and making the most of mock interviews.
From law and business school rankings to reviews of the best undergraduate schools in the country, Vault has the information you need to find a school that meets your needs. Browse school reviews from students and alumni, search for specific programs, and learn more about the application process. The school search doesn’t have to be an intimidating process, and with the Vault Finder Tool, you have all the information on school ratings and insights right at your fingertips. Find a school today.