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by Vault Careers | January 03, 2018



There is no shortage of productivity advice and resolution advice at this time of year. In fact, there's so much advice that you can't be blamed if you just avoid all of it and simply continue where you left off last year. That, however, would be a mistake. Among all the useless and bad advice out there, there are some gems. And Thomas Frank's 10 tips for a more productive year is one of them.

In the video below, the popular YouTuber provides some excellent, simple tips you can begin implementing now that will go a long way toward boosting your productivity, creativity, health, and career in the next 12 months.

Frank covers how to keep track of your habits, how to increase your focus on one task, how to determine the things you need to automate and things you don't, how to force yourself to exercise more (and enjoy yourself in the process), how to decrease your screen time, how to increase your reading time, how to optimize your smartphone and work area to stay on top of your game, and more.

Frank's video, about 10 minutes long, is well worth your time. It will save you countless, unproductive hours and start you on the road to accomplishing your most important goals for the year.



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