
Most students are always looking for a way to earn some extra money. During the school year, the best jobs are part-time and flexible, leaving room for class attendance and homework. Here are five great jobs for college students.
1. Tutoring
If you’re strong in a particular subject, consider turning your knowledge and hard work into a tutor-ing job. You can apply to work at your campus’ tutoring center, or try going it on your own. The up-side of working on campus will be access to manuals, books, and a study space, but you will probably not be paid a ton. If you strike out on your own, you can ask for a higher wage, but you will have to work to drum up your own business, and provide your own materials and study location. Your other option is to tutor online, at sites like StateOfWriting.
2. Serving
When working as a restaurant server, you can schedule your shifts for evenings and weekends, or whenever you don’t have classes. If you’re taking evening classes, then just work the breakfast and lunch shifts. Some other perks are that you can make some decent money from tips and get discounts on food. Every starving student appreciates a good meal discount.
3. Freelance writing
Get experience with writing, meeting deadlines, and working with editors by doing some freelance writing work. This is also a good chance to build up a body of work to show future employers. Earn money writing blog posts, articles, and other content. You may even receive some career advice and make contacts in journalism that will help you get a job later. Check out sites such as Oxessays or Big Assignments to look for a job.
4. Editing and proofreading
You’re probably spending a lot of time writing, editing, and proofreading your college papers, so why not take those skills and make money with them. You can find work doing academic editing and proofreading at sites like and WritingPopulist and Paper fellows.
5. Website testing
You can make money visiting websites and apps and reviewing their features and performance for companies such as UserTesting. Expect to earn $10 per 20 minute website review video. Userfeel is a similar company where you will earn a similar rate. Another easy job you can do from the comfort of your own dorm room, and saying you’re a website tester just makes you sound cool.
Freddie Tubbs is a recruiting manager at Ukwritings. He also works as a resume editor and proofreader at Boomessays, and contributes career column to Essayroo blog.
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