Below you'll find the top-ranked firm in each category, along with a "Buzz" quote from a consultant at a peer firm. (Consultants were asked to provide a short phrase to convey their perceptions of firms other than their own; we collect a sampling of these "Buzz" quotes in each company profile.) In the case of a certain firm that … ahem … may land in more than one category, I will continue to pull Buzz quotes out of my bag of tricks. There are plenty to go around!
Business Advisory: McKinsey ("The gold standard, but they invented the industry")
Economic Consulting: NERA Economic Consulting ("Super niche")
Energy Consulting: McKinsey ("Type-A, Type-A, Type-A")
Financial Consulting: McKinsey ("Develops their people")
Human Resources Consulting: Mercer LLC ("Well branded")
Operations Consulting: A.T. Kearney ("Old school")
Pharmaceutical & Health Care Consulting: McKinsey ("Lots of big thinking, not a lot of doing")
Click here to explore our practice area rankings in their entirety.
While outsiders' perception of a firm is important, most job seekers want to learn more about the company culture and lifestyle before settling on one firm. To answer all of your questions about which firms offer the best workplace culture, compensation, formal training and diversity, among many other workplace issues, check back next Tuesday for Vault's Diversity Rankings. And who knows? You may just find your next employer!
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