How do you know when it's time to take a step back from your career? The answer is different for everybody, and there are many different reasons for taking a break. For many people, stress is an important factor in the decision to take a career break. According to the American Institute of Stress, 46% of stress comes from a heavy workload, while another 20% stems from a poor work/life balance. A career break doesn’t mean walking away from stress forever, but many people find a short break incredibly helpful for gaining insight into why they're stressed and how they can alleviate that stress.
In addition to mental health and wellness, other reasons for taking a career break might include big life changes, like a pregnancy, or the desire to pursue a passion project. Some people want to satisfy their urge to travel. Whatever your reason, it's important to make sure that you're in a position to thrive if you plan on stepping back from your career. Ask yourself if it's realistic to take a break and be strategic about planning the logistics.
Career breaks come in all shapes and sizes. How do you know if one is right for you? Luckily, the folks at Bestow have put together this terrific infographic to help you navigate the decision!
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