
In the past we’ve gone over tricky, unusual, and downright tough interview questions, but navigating an interview at a Big 4 firm is another challenge altogether. Today, we’re going to kick off our giant-sized coverage of real questions Big 4 firms ask during job interviews, complete with how you should answer. Let’s begin.
“Tell me a bit about yourself.”
Starting off the list is a very common, basic question that you’ll get in almost any interview. This question allows the interviewer to assess your background, communication skills, and overall fit for the company. Here, they’re looking for a concise, structured response that highlights your relevant experience and career goals. Check out this example of a bad answer to this question:
“Well, I was born in New York, and I’ve always liked numbers. I went to college and took a few accounting classes, and now I’m looking for a job.”
In the example above, the candidate makes no effort to demonstrate excitement for their profession or the role at hand and fails to connect their studies or experience to the company they’re interviewing for. Here is how you should answer this question:
“I’m a finance graduate with a passion for data-driven decision-making. During my internship at [Company Name], I worked on financial modeling projects that improved forecasting accuracy by 20%. I’m particularly interested in audit and assurance, which is why I’m excited about this opportunity at [Company Name].”
“What makes you interested in this position?”
The interviewer will ask this question to gauge your motivation for applying and ensure you’re not just sending out resumes randomly. If you’re asked this question, don’t answer like this:
“I need a job, and Big 4 firms pay well.”
One of the worst things you could do is bring up your financial situation during a job interview. Your research should tell you all you need to know about the company, so with that in mind, try something like this instead:
“I’ve always admired [Company Name]’s approach to advisory services, especially in risk management. I’m drawn to this role because it aligns with my strengths in problem-solving and client-facing work. Additionally, I appreciate the firm’s emphasis on professional development and mentorship.”
“What industries are you interested in?”
Big 4 firms serve a variety of industries, from finance and healthcare to tech and manufacturing. The hiring manager wants to see if you’ve thought about where your skills and interests fit. Here’s an example of a bad answer:
“I don’t know yet. I’ll work anywhere.”
An answer like the one above is a fool-proof way to tank your candidacy in record time. It goes without saying, but a more thoughtful approach is needed to win the hiring manager over. Check out this example of a well-crafted answer:
“I’m particularly interested in the technology and financial services industries. Given the rapid growth of fintech, I’d love to work with clients navigating digital transformation challenges.”
“Tell me about a time you received constructive feedback. How did you respond?”
Like most employers, Big 4 firms want employees who can handle feedback professionally, learn from mistakes, and continuously improve. For the sake of tradition, let’s get the bad answer out of the way first:
“My professor once told me I should be more organized. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
Where to begin? The candidate displays an inability to consider feedback, much less implement it for their own good, and this answer is another fast track back to the drawing board. Instead, respond with something like this:
“During my internship, I submitted a report with some data inconsistencies. My manager pointed it out and suggested a more structured approach. I thanked them for the feedback, revised my process, and improved my accuracy significantly in future reports.”
“Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.”
Another classic. This is a very common question, but with Big 4 firms you’ll want to tweak your answer just a bit to show that you’re up to the task. Here, the hiring manager wants to see self-awareness, an ability to leverage strengths, and how you approach self-improvement. First, the bad answer:
“I don’t really have any weaknesses. I guess I’m just a perfectionist.”
Even if you’re convinced you have absolutely no weaknesses, you’ll need to come up with something. Demonstrating a total lack of self-awareness or disinterest in self-improvement during an interview is a surefire way to get your application tossed into the “no” pile. Try something like this instead:
“One of my strengths is analytical thinking. I love working with data and finding patterns. A weakness I’ve been working on is public speaking. I’ve been improving by taking on presentation roles in group projects and attending workshops.”
“Describe a time you showed great leadership.”
Big 4 firms value leadership at all levels. They want to know if you can take initiative, collaborate, and drive results. If you get this question, take care not to answer like this:
“One time, my group had no leader, so I just took over and told everyone what to do.”
The problem here is the candidate fails to explain the impact of their leadership, while also hinting towards bullying their colleagues into submission—not a good look. Instead, answer with something like this:
“As president of my university’s finance club, I led a team in organizing a networking event with 15 industry professionals. We successfully secured sponsorships and increased student participation by 40%.
Big 4 interviews test more than just your technical knowledge—they assess your problem-solving skills, leadership potential, and ability to work in a fast-paced, client-facing environment. There’s still a whole lot more ground to cover when it comes to Big 4 interview questions, so be sure to check back for part two in the near future.
Rob Porter is an editor at Vault.
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