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by Rob Porter | April 23, 2024


Now that we’ve gotten through the first quarter of 2024, we thought it would be a great time to check in with 4 Day Week Global. If you aren’t familiar with 4 Day Week Global, you can check out our previous coverage here. Yes friends, the four-day work week is taking the world by storm, and it might be coming to an employer near you very soon. Today, we’re going to talk about the newest upcoming four-day work week trials, as well as the benefits of a four-day work week, straight from 4 Day Global. Let’s begin.

2024 is shaping up to be 4 Day Week Global’s biggest year yet, with multiple trials taking place in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. Meanwhile many other countries are in the process of recruiting companies and setting up information sessions for their own trials, including France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Namibia, Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden. 4 Day Week Global has provided data at the end of each trial—here are some of the key benefits.

Benefits for Employers

The four-day work week provides a variety of benefits for businesses, which in turn means an enhanced experience for employees. For starters, employee retention and engagement are greatly enhanced, with 4 Day Week Global’s UK pilot program reporting a 57% drop in attrition among employees from 60 participating companies. Companies also reported that employees felt less stressed while finding greater enjoyment in their work, leading to decreased employee turnover.

Companies can also cut costs when implementing a four-day work week. For example, companies might save on energy costs or lunch programs. This means your employer has more money when it comes time for raises or for improving workplace facilities. The four-day work week is also great for employee well-being, leading to increased productivity, higher quality work, and a reduction in the number of sick days used.

Benefits for the Environment

For companies and employees who are environmentally conscious, the four-day work week is a no-brainer. In the U.S., the two main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions are transportation and electricity production, so if we remove those components for a single day each week, even for half of the companies in the U.S., it will significantly lessen environmental concerns. Think tank Autonomy performed a UK study suggesting that a four-day work week would reduce the UK’s carbon footprint by up to 127 million tons by 2025.

Benefits for Employee Health

4 Day Week Global’s programs have proven that the four-day work week can have enormous benefits for employee health. According to data reported by four-day work week trial participants, two thirds of employees reported less burnout, while 33% reported a decrease in work-related stress. In addition to this, 33% of participants reported a decrease in anxiety, while over half experienced a decrease in the frequency of negative emotions and thought patterns. Two thirds reported an increase in positive emotions and thought patterns.

The four-day work week also provides physical health benefits. When there’s an extra day off each week employees are more likely to be active, in contrast to sitting at a desk for most of the day. This provides a number of benefits such as reduced risk of diabetes, and many participants reported spending their additional time off exercising or engaging in outdoor activities. Participants also reported sleeping better, greatly reducing the risk of a variety of heart conditions.

Benefits for Working Parents

For working parents, the four-day work week means more time spent with their family. 4 Day Week Global’s UK trial participants reported that working men spent 27% more time with their children, while women spent 13% more time. Working parents will also benefit from a better work/life balance with a four-day work week paradigm, with more than half of the participants from the UK trial reporting they were able to more effectively “combine paid work with care responsibilities,” and 62% of participants stating that the four-day work week made it “easier to combine work with [a] social life.”

We will continue to provide updates on all of 4 Day Week Global’s activities, including the outcomes and data provided at the end of each four-day work week trial. If you’d like to learn more about 4 Day Week Global, check out their official website here. As of present, more companies are starting to realize the benefits of a four-day work week paradigm, which means it might become a standard in the very near future.
