Nobody likes billable hours. Clients hate the uncertainty of the bills, associates despise keeping track of their hours, and partners (no doubt) can’t stand the complaints from these two groups. One newly-formed firm is doing something about it. London-based is tossing the billable hour in favor of fixed fees. But don’t go sending your resumes over just yet – they’re also swapping junior associates for outsourced work. Workers in India will handle’s junior-level work through the Legal Process Outsourcing company Pangea3.
So what is up to aside from crushing the souls of job-hungry law students and junior lawyers everywhere (aside from those working for Pangea3)? The firm is composed of attorneys who formerly worked at Latham & Watkins LLP, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP, and Deutsche Bank. focuses on “technology, outsourcing and commercial transactions” and promises to “give you practical, hands-on and commercial advice.”’s website boasts goals of efficiency and client service. In fact, the firm professes to be “all about clients.” That makes me feel warm and squishy inside – nothing like some good old customer service. But in an interview with,’s Alexander Hamilton states, “We’re trying to provide the expertise of senior lawyers who can cut to the chase with the more factory-like approach to doing the more mundane aspects.”
So are factory assembly-lines and outsourcing the new keys to customer satisfaction? I’m not so sure. But it will be interesting to observe’s impact (if any) on the legal field, and I for one can’t wait to see if the gripping questions Who, When, and Where will be answered in their blog this week. Article on website
Pangea3 website
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