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by Vault Law Editors | September 22, 2017


Jack Chen - Blind Google Lawyer

Being a lawyer isn't easy, even without a disability. Jack Chen has managed to succeed in a tough career—one built around the written word—without being able to see anything. Jack is a totally blind in-house lawyer for Google, and though he doesn't fight crime ala the blind lawyer in Marvel's Daredevil, he does have a superpower. In this Blomberg Law video about Jack's workday, he demonstrates how he reads documents--by using a text-to-speech program that is set so fast no normal human could understand. I was reading the words on the screen and I still couldn't understand the spoken words. Check out how Jack does this, manages a New York City commute, and meets other daily challenges in this super interesting video.



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Filed Under: Law|Workplace Issues Tags: Blind|Google|Video