
The results of Vault’s annual Law Firm Diversity Survey have arrived, and new this year is a division in reporting between midsize and large firm summary statistics. This division reflects fundamental differences in these two categories of firms, including different budgets, hiring practices, and organizational structures. Out of 194 participating firms, 77% are large firms, with 150 or more U.S.-based attorneys, and 23% are midsize firms, with more than 10 but less than 150 U.S.-based attorneys. We recapped the high-level takeaways from the general report in two previous posts: read the summary of key diversity initiatives and the summary of key demographics. This infographic highlights statistics from both the initiatives and demographics recap posts, including data on billable credit for DEI work, Mansfield Rule participation, proration of billable hours for parental leave, and proportions of diverse attorneys at participating firms.
For more details, you can find the general report at Vault’s Law Firm Diversity page. You can find individual reports for each participating firm on the firm’s Vault Profile, by clicking the DE&I tab at the top of the profile, then the “Read the Diversity Report” link in the Diversity box.
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