
Okay, so this year hasn’t really gone according to plan. Those vacations, weddings, concerts, and social functions we planned have all been postponed a month. And then another month. And then a year. And now, we’re not so sure when everything will go back to normal. It can be a little disquieting, but a part of our strength as humans comes from our ability to bounce back. Rather than letting the pandemic-era make us feel trapped and helpless, we have the ability to find ways to embrace our new normal.
We all cope with isolation, stress, and uncertainty differently, because we’re all different people. Someone who might be excited to tackle change head-on might be faring better than someone who likes to plan out their entire schedule months in advance. But that doesn’t mean that our friend the planner can’t adjust to life’s curveballs as effectively as our other friend that likes a good challenge. Whether we’re trying to adjust to our new work from home routine, taking classes online, or figuring out how to fill the day, we have the ability to develop coping mechanisms that help us embrace the new normal according to our personality type.
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