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94 Results for "coronavirus"

How the Delta Variant Is Affecting Employees and Employers

by Derek Loosvelt | August 13, 2021

The Delta variant is spreading—and so, again, is FOMU (the fear of meeting up). Find out how Delta and FOMU are affecting employees and employers nationwide.

3 Tips for Starting a Job Remotely

by Jacqueline DeMarco | May 10, 2021

It can be daunting to start a new role from home. Here are some tips for starting a job remotely.

Workforce Changes That Will Stick Around Post-Pandemic

by Derek Jones | March 15, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic changed virtually every aspect of daily life. Here's a look at some of the workforce changes that are here to stay.

Interview Questions You Should Ask in the Wake of COVID-19

by Mary Kate Sheridan | February 17, 2021

These sample interview questions will help you explore how your target law firms have responded to the coronavirus pandemic.

Virtual Training in the Post-COVID Era: Complete Guide

by Eduard Klein | January 08, 2021

If you deliver courses and training, you must invest in developing content tailored to online learners. Learn how to create virtual training programs and strategies for the post-COVID era.

3 Tips for Balancing Life and Work While Working from Home

by Kaitlin McManus | November 23, 2020

It's easy for work/life balance to feel out of whack when working from home. Check out these three tips to keep the scales from tipping too far.

Putnam Perspectives: How One of Vault's Top Consultancies for Firm Culture Empowered a Remote Workforce During COVID-19

by Stephan Maldonado | November 03, 2020

We spoke with Putnam employees about leadership’s response to COVID-19, how the firm maintains its culture, and how they support clients working on a vaccine.

3 Ways to Check in on Your Co-Workers’ Mental Health

by Kaitlin McManus | October 26, 2020

The pandemic focused a spotlight on mental health in the workplace. We learned to be kinder, more patient, and to check in on our co-workers more often.

Virtually Involved: Law School Extracurriculars During the Coronavirus Pandemic

by Brian Zhang | October 20, 2020

Law school extracurriculars changed after COVID-19, but it doesn't mean your social life and networking opportunities need to shut down.

Is Now a Good Time to Start a Business?

by Laurent Malka | October 02, 2020

Amidst the economic uncertainty of COVID-19, entrepreneurs may be wondering if it's a good time to start a business. It may actually be a perfect time.