Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2022): 48 total (27 2Ls; 21 1Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2022): 25 out of 27
Summer Associate Salary:
$3,942 per week for offices with entry starting salaries of $205,000 (Georgia, North Carolina, California, New York, Washington DC, Colorado, and Seattle (IP))
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Lori Cates
Attorney Recruiting Manager
(404) 745-2562
1L Summers: Yes
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: Yes
Split Summer with Another Firm: Yes. 2Ls only
Split Summer with Another Office: Case by Case
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: Rolling
Offices with a Summer Program
- Atlanta
- Houston
- Los Angeles
- Denver
- New York
- Raleigh
- San Francisco
- Seattle
- Silicon Valley
- Washington, DC
- Winston-Salem
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Berkeley Law
- Columbia Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Emory University School of Law
- Georgetown Law
- George Washington University Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- NYU Law
- Santa Clara Law
- Stanford Law School
- UC Hastings College of Law
- UCLA School of Law
- University of Georgia School of Law
- University of Texas at Austin School of Law
- University of Virginia School of Law
- Vanderbilt Law School
- Wake Forest Law
Career Fairs Attended
- Bay Area Diversity Job Fair
- Lavender Law Career Fair
- Patent Law Interview Program
- San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association Job Fair
- Southeastern Minority Job Fair
The Firm Says
Our Summer Associate Program provides students the opportunity to do substantive work in a variety of practice areas. Summer Associates rotate among teams to acquire new skills and gain invaluable legal experience. Summer Associates also participate in three progress evaluations to review attorney feedback on their work product. Each office has a Summer Committee made up of attorneys who will serve as guides and mentors for the course of the program.