Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2024): 532 total (372 2Ls; 151 1Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2023): 342 out of 343
Summer Associate Salary:
$225,000 or $4326.92/week
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Please visit for office-specific email addresses.
1L Summers: Yes
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: Yes
Split Summer with Another Firm: No
Split Summer with Another Office: No
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: Rolling
Offices with a Summer Program
- Austin
- Bay Area (Palo Alto & San Francisco)
- Boston
- Chicago
- Dallas
- Houston
- Los Angeles (DTLA and Century City)
- Miami
- New York
- Salt Lake City
- Washington, DC
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Berkeley Law
- Cardozo Law
- Columbia Law School
- Cornell Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Fordham University School of Law
- Georgetown Law
- Harvard Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
- Notre Dame Law School
- NYU Law
- SMU Dedman School of Law
- Stanford Law School
- Tulane Law School
- UCLA School of Law
- University of Chicago Law School
- University of Houston Law Center
- University of Michigan Law School
- University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
- University of Texas at Austin School of Law
- University of Virginia School of Law
- USC Gould School of Law
- Vanderbilt Law School
- Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
- Wake Forest Law
- Yale Law School
Career Fairs Attended
- Bay Area Diversity Job Fair
- Boston Lawyers Group Job Fair
- Cook County Job Fair
- MCGC (Midwest/California/Georgia) Consortium
- Patent Law Interview Program
Our Survey Says
- “The assignments are real assignments that a junior associate would otherwise be doing. The firm makes a strong effort to give summer associates interesting assignments (more interesting on average than first-year assignments) in any area of their choosing.”
- “Although the summer program was primarily oriented around getting to know the firm and the attorneys in the office, there was interesting and sometimes substantive work available for summer associates. This was especially true if you sought out work from attorneys in practice areas you were interested in, which is a good primer for how Kirkland's open-assignment system works once you begin as a first-year associate.”
- “I had the opportunity to work with a variety of corporate groups, and we had a set-aside portal from which summer associates could grab assignments and be reviewed by associates.”
- “There was a lot of similarity between work done by summers and the work current first years do (for example, contract review and due diligence).”
- “There were many fun social events, some organized by the recruiting team, others organized by the summer associates themselves with the blessing (and sometimes funding) of the firm. I feel like our summer cohort got to know each other very well and got a lot of interaction with firm attorneys.”
- “Fantastic events and a great mix (from sports games to Shakespeare in the Park). The events were always packed with attorneys (so much so that I think attorneys had to RSVP in advance). Our summer class was incredibly tight-knit.”
- “There was some form of organized social event at least two days a week. Wide range of activities, including those where significant others, spouses, and families were encouraged to attend. Lunch with partners at least twice a week.”
- “My class is very close to this day—the firm has been supportive by not only creating events for us but also supporting us when we came to them with ideas. Some of my co-summers are now my best friends.”
- “The summer experience was much easier and more fun-focused than full-time work, but that difference was made clear throughout the process.”
- “Obviously, the summer program is more of a summer camp than an accurate representation of what the day-to-day life of an associate is like, but I think we all understood that going in. I haven't had any unpleasant surprises.”
- “The main difference is that as an associate, you're a full-time member of the team. The assignments I received as a summer associate and as a first year were substantively similar, meaning the summer associates are getting real work, but aren't expected to be working evenings or weekends.”
- “The summer program very much reflected the workflow at Kirkland. You seek out the individuals you want to work with, or they find you based on previous good work you've done. If anything, opportunities for substantive experiences are even more available than I expected.”
- “Summer dinners were great because they were smaller groups with a mix of summer associates, firm associates, and partners.”
- “The day that we spent volunteering at Camp Harbor View to help set up for a fundraiser. Not only did we get to spend the day outside, we were also able to help a worthwhile cause at the same time.”
- “The end of the summer concluded with a champagne toast, offer letters, practice-group specific dinners, and then a reserved bar for socializing.”
- “Attending a country music festival, various dinners at great restaurants in LA, attending the Dodger game, and many others.
The Firm Says
At Kirkland the work is interesting, cutting-edge, and involves clients from businesses in all industries and sectors. When joining Kirkland, summer associates quickly become part of the team. Providing solutions to high-profile clients, they are involved in real deals and cases — not just listening and learning — but relied upon to make valuable contributions. Summer associates experience substantive, hands-on work, accelerating their early career development by working directly with partners.
Like our attorneys, summer associates experience our distinctive open assignment system which empowers individuals to choose the types of matters on which they work while the Firm provides an integrated support network to help ensure robust development opportunities. In addition to specific assignments, summer associates participate in the Firm’s numerous interactive training programs, shadow attorneys in negotiations, team meetings and client calls, and participate in trials, depositions, hearings, negotiations, and deal closings. There are also opportunities to network with attorneys and fellow summer associates though various social events.