Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2024): 4 total (All 2Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2024): 4 out of 4
Summer Associate Salary:
$225,000 (prorated)
Summer Program Length:
Variable; 8-week minimum for Diversity Fellows
Summer Program Contact
Michele Eliopoulos, Human Resources Manager
Please contact via website
1L Summers: Case by Case
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: Yes. Litigation
Split Summer with Another Firm: Yes
Split Summer with Another Office: No
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: Rolling
Offices with a Summer Program
- Washington D.C.
The Firm Says
We are a small firm that seeks to give associates meaningful opportunities and exposure to trial litigation, and our summer program is an extension of our culture. Based on our case schedules, we take a small number of summer associates and give them real responsibility right out of the gate. Our program is informal and dynamic, changing to fit whether we are in trial, in trial-preparation mode, or in a briefing window. Our goal is to give summer associates hands-on training through learning by doing, within the supportive and collaborative network of our experienced trial teams.