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Abt Associates Inc.


At a Glance


Consultants hail from diverse backgrounds



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About Abt Associates Inc.

Socially savvy consulting

Since its founding in 1965, Abt Associates has grown into one of the world's largest for-profit government and business research and consulting firms. The Cambridge, Mass.-based employee-owned firm, named after founder Clark Abt, employs more than 1,500 people in four U.S. offices and throughout 40-plus project sites in 37 countries. For the past 40 years, the firm has made its buck the same way its founder did: by applying social sciences systems and analysis methods to governmental and industrial problems.

At first, the firm focused on transferring technology and systems used in the defense industry, such as systems analysis, computer modeling and simulation methods, to civilian application. Today, the firm works in a wide range of areas, including agriculture, behavioral health, biotechnology, child and family services, clinical trials, community initiatives, international economic development, international health, education, environment, emergency management, health policy, health systems strengthening, health services delivery, homeland security, homelessness, housing policy and programs, medical devices, national and community service, product development and pricing, public health and epidemiology, science and technology, substance abuse, survey research, welfare, and workforce development.

Clients include the U.S. federal government, U.S. state and local government, international organizations, foundations, nonprofit associations and institutions, and businesses in a number of industries, including automotive, consumer products and services, financial, health care, international energy and utility, media, telecommunications and technology.

The ABCs of Abt Associates

Abt Associates offers five major areas of expertise for clients: research and evaluation services; strategy, planning and policy services; survey data collection, management and analysis services; consulting, implementation, and technical assistance services; and finally, medical and life sciences consulting services.

While the firm operates as a for profit, it nonetheless has had a hand in the creation, evaluation or shaping of a number of public programs in the U.S., including welfare reform, Medicaid, Head Start (an educational enhancement and readiness program), community service programs, crime and drug use prevention, statistical tracking of crime and low-income housing projects. 

The firm has also assisted governments worldwide in the implementation of programs and policy reforms during transition from command economies to market-oriented economies.  In collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development, Abt Associates' experts in agriculture, health, environment and trade have advised foreign governments on service delivery and sustainable market-based reforms. The firm also houses a subsidiary called Abt SRBI, which was created in July 2007 with Abt Associates' acquisition of strategy and research firm Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. The unit specializes in public policy and opinion surveys, banking and finance, telecommunications, media, energy, transportation, insurance and health care consulting services. 

Abt Associates Inc.

55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 492-7100

Firm Stats

Employer Type: Private
President & CEO: Kathleen Flanagan
2010 Employees (All Locations): 1,500