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EY (Ernst & Young) Consulting Practice Europe
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Vault’s Verdict


Vault Verdict: As one of the world's leading purveyors of professional services, there can be little doubt that successful applicants to EY will have plenty of opportunities to test themselves across a variety of projects and settings. And, with am HR team that brings on thousands of fresh recruits every year, the likelihood of the University-to-working world transition going smoothly at EY is higher than at most workplaces across the industry.

As for prestige and the question of the firm's future prospects, look no further than our rankings: while EY's overall position is fairly low, the firm qualified despite not participating in our survey--meaning that its prestige alone was enough for it to stand out as a top employer in the consulting field. Had its consultants had the opportunity to weigh in on their experiences working for the firm, there's no telling how high up the list it might have finished. 

This firm did not participate in Vault's 2013 Consulting Survey in Europe.

EY (Ernst & Young) Consulting Practice Europe

Becket House
1 Lambeth Palace Road
London SE1 7EU
Phone: 44 (0)207 951 2000

Firm Stats

Employer Type: Private
Global CEO: Mark Weinberger
2008 Employees (All Locations): 77,800