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Integrated curriculum is interesting and practical. Required international experience is enriching and selects for students interested in that opportunity. Most classes are case-based and quite practical. Many opportunities to work closely with faculty and get to know them on a personal and professional level (for example, several professors advised me on a career decision, and one even did case practice with me prior to consulting interviews).
Quality of LifeYale has a wonderful community. It is affordable, and has more cultural opportunities than we could ever take advantage of. The campus is fine: reliable tech services and has great community spaces. New Haven has worked with Yale to put in place real improvements in New Haven: great restaurants, a new farmers market and rail-trail bike path, etc. It is an urban area, and less dense than NYC, so one must be careful when out at night, but there is never a need to travel alone: there's always someone to walk with, biking is fine, and shuttles and cabs are available.
AdmissionsGMAT was required when I applied, now GRE is also accepted. Application requires essays and on-campus interview with current student or admissions officer. Scholarships offered with admission. Loan forgiveness program available to all graduates working in not-for-profit or government fields.
Graduation Year2010
Simple, streamlined, and very intuitive application process. To be considered for Merit scholarship awarded by the school, students do not need to complete a separate application process.
Graduation Year2011
The curriculum is very unique in how it integrates the different courses. While there is a serious workload, students are able to balance it based on their individual priorities. There is a non-competitive environment where students truly learn from one another.
Quality of LifeGreat social network and number academic, extracurricular, and social activities to take part in. It is a very inclusive environment.
AdmissionsThere are unique essays that relate to the school's culture and overall mission. They are very selective in terms of scores/credentials as well as a personal fit with the community. The interview is an important aspect because it is done with a 2nd year student.
Graduation Year2012
Yale offers excellent academics. Its integrated curriculum allows students to see problems from a multi-disciplinary point of view. No problem in business operates in a silo, and Yale does an excellent job of ensuring its students understand that. The classes offer a good mixture of theory vs. practical study. They do this through cases, lectures, and also hands on experience. Several classes offer the opportunity to go to another country and do consulting projects (e.g., India, South Africa). The core curriculum also includes an International Experience in which all first year students go on a trip to a country they haven't been to for two weeks. During that time they meet with leaders from business, government, and non profits to gain an understanding of the business environment in that country.
Quality of LifeThe overall happiness at SOM is high - and this isn't due to a fancy campus or facilities. Its because we're part of a great community that supports each other, has fun together, and learns from each other. SOM admittedly does not have the best facilities (though a new campus will be built by 2013), but we make up for that in the people inside our buildings. New Haven is a decent place to live - it has far better restaurants, museums, theater, etc then you'd expect to find in a small town. It also serves the purpose of bringing us all together as a community - when you live in a small town you really begin to depend upon each other for entertainment!
AdmissionsThe admissions process at Yale is fairly standard. However, one thing that really attracted me to the school was that for the networking event they held in my home town, they brought a professor who gave a lecture on the Chinese economy. It was fascinating and really inspired me to come to Yale.
Graduation Year2010
Relatively small class sizes, good mix of cases and theory, leadership development program, mini-course on managing groups & teams, heavy workload, decent mix of group projects & individual assignments, great support structure through classmates, faculty, and staff.
Quality of LifeVery collegial atmosphere, great selection of bars, restaurants, and nightlife.
Relatively high cost of living given location.
Decent library facilities.
Limited study space in school and computer labs
AdmissionsFour essays, GMAT score, resume, 30-minute interview with second year student.
Graduation Year2011
A small class size is really good in my opinion because it results in an involved student body, as well as the professors knowing the backgrounds that we all came from, to bring in our classmates' perspectives as needed. The core courses especially are helpful in that they can pull in ideas from different fields - many classes are taught by professors from different backgrounds which helps develop an overall perspective.
AdmissionsThe admissions process itself is fairly straightforward, but because SOM has such a distinctive curriculum, answering the same question as another school takes on a totally different tone.
Graduation Year2011
Class sizes are maximum 55 students.
There are no grades, and therefore there is no competition, an opportunity to take any classes that are not in your expertise, and fosters collaboration
Case studies come in cooked and raw form
All students are required to go on an international experience during the first year
There are opportunities for consulting projects with local for-profit and non-profit organizations
Faculty is tremendous
Quality of LifeCOL is manageable in New Haven
Campus is close to living areas
Restaurants are great
AdmissionsStraight Forward essays
Scholarships are given during admission without additional essay/application
Need-Based Financial Aid is guaranteed
Graduation Year2011