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3 Results for "bored at work"

8 Wrong Reasons for Quitting Your Job

by Taylor Tobin via Fairygodboss | July 16, 2019

If you’re thinking of putting in your two-weeks-notice for any of these eight reasons, it's worth thinking twice before deciding quitting is the best way to achieve your goals.

3 Tips for Telling Your Boss You're Bored

by Cassandra Pratt via Fairygodboss | April 08, 2019

It's possible your boss doesn't know you're no longer engaged at work. But before you tell your boss you’re bored, follow these steps to have a productive conversation.

6 “Negative” Actions That Might Be Good for Your Career

by Jon Minners | May 25, 2016

These are actions employees take every day that supervisors would frown upon, but may actually help employees advance their career.