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Jon Minners is Vault's Senior Marketing Manager. This is his second go-around with Vault, serving as the company’s Communications Manager from 2009-2011. Since re-joining Vault in 2016, Jon concentrates on Vault’s social media channels, its Internship and Education portals and writes blogs based off his own observations in the workplace. A New Yorker for life, Jon  earned his BA in Journalism from Baruch College and served as the Managing Editor for the Bronx Times Reporter before working in different public relations and marketing capacities for The New York Public Library, Montefiore Medical Center and the NYC Department for the Aging.

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Vault is always looking for job search and career experts to share their advice on our blog.

How to Handle Criticism at Work

by Jon Minners | January 13, 2017

Criticism is part of the job, and the ability to handle criticism, constructive or not, will determine how far you make it in your career.

The Pros and Cons of Making Friends at the Office

by Jon Minners | January 10, 2017

There are many benefits to making friends in the workplace, but are they worth the risks that also come from these relationships ? We examine the pros and cons to having friends at work.

How Informational Interviews Can Lead to a Job Offer

by Jon Minners | January 09, 2017

Informational interviews are an often ignored aspect of the job search. Because they often do not result in a job offer, many view them as a waste of time. But, from personal experience, the informational interview saved me from unemployment and they can help with your career, too.

Volunteer to Help Your Career

by Jon Minners | January 03, 2017

When we are in high school, we are told how valuable volunteering is for our college applications. But as we become bogged down by college work and the subsequent job search, many of us forget that volunteering can also be crucial elements of your résumé — the difference between being hired or being passed over for someone else.

4 Tips for Building Rapport with an Interviewer

by Jon Minners | December 30, 2016

While the ability to convey your skills to others through a well-crafted resume may be helpful, having a good personality may be more important if you want to land the job. There are ways to build rapport with your interviewer.

How to Prepare for Returning to Work After a Vacation

by Jon Minners | December 19, 2016

The summer break and winter holiday break are the two most popular times for employees to take vacations, and while time off is always fun, returning to work is nowhere near as exciting. For many employees, the thought of returning to mountains of work can make the last few days of vacation extremely stressful. It doesn’t have to be.

Tips for Job Hunting in Other States

by Jon Minners | December 19, 2016

When you apply for a job, you may be more inclined to accept a position close to home, but you should be open to the possibility that there is a job calling out to you in another City, State or Country. Here's some advice for introducing travel plans into your job search.

How Managing Up Can Advance Your Career

by Jon Minners | December 12, 2016

The idea of “managing up” may sound like too much work, but it is not a hassle at all. It may actually enhance your current job and prepare you for a better career path in the future.