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4 Results for "pinterest"

Which Companies Offer Paid Time Off on Election Day?

by AnnaMarie Houlis via Fairygodboss | May 22, 2018

Millions of Americans say work or school conflicts kept them from voting in past elections. In response, some firms are giving PTO on Election Day so employees can vote.

What Facebook and Pinterest Are Doing to Hire More Women

by Derek Loosvelt | March 23, 2016

what facebook and pinterest are doing to hire more women

Secrets to Success of First Female Partner at Big-Swinging Silicon Valley VC Firm

by Derek Loosvelt | March 09, 2016

first female partner at silicon valley venture capital firm greylock partners

Ben Silbermann's Path to Pinterest CEO

by Vault Careers | July 01, 2015

If you’ve ever “pinned” something on Pinterest, you can thank Ben Silbermann. He’s a cofounder and the current CEO of the social media site...