3 Results for "studying"
The Benefits of Studying as a Group
by Dea Dizho | March 12, 2021Studying is usually seen as a solo activity, but read on for reasons why it may help you to buddy up for a study sesh!
I Should be Studying More: I'm Taking Another Bar Exam, Episode 3
by Kaitlin Edleman | January 28, 2015The New York Bar Exam is officially less than a month away. Do I feel prepared? The answer is, obviously, no. I definitely could be studying more ,...
That Old Familiar Feeling: I'm Taking Another Bar Exam, Episode 2
by Kaitlin Edleman | January 07, 2015Was that phone booth I stepped into for that “hilarious” Instagram photo really a time machine (life doesn’t seem particularly excellent right now)...
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