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11 Results for "twitter"

3 Ways to Use Your Social Media Accounts to Get a New Job

by ​Lynn Mitchell | April 28, 2022

If you’re looking for a new job, here are three ways to use social media to stand out from the crowd.

How to Clean Up Your Social Media Footprint Before Your Job Search

by Ron Stefanski | June 21, 2021

To get to the next step in your career, you need to clean up your social media presence and create an employer-friendly digital footprint. Here’s how to do it.

A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager

by Vault Careers | June 15, 2020

day in the life of a social media manager

Law Twitter Accounts to Keep You in the Legal Loop

by Kaitlin McManus | May 07, 2020

Law Twitter is a special place, and what better platform to connect with the legal sphere in these disconnected times? Discover some new accounts to follow to keep you on the cutting edge of the legal world's conversation.

5 Social Media Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Career

by Scott Marco Pine | February 28, 2019

In order to avoid making social media mistakes that can derail your career, we've rounded up the five most common missteps to avoid.

Tips for Using Social Media in Your Legal Job Search

by Heidy Abdel Kerim, Marketing Associate, Vault | February 26, 2019

Legal jobseekers should plug in and get social! Here are three ways social media can benefit your summer associate search, as well as platforms to explore.

How to Get a Job as a Social Media Manager

by Vault Careers | July 05, 2017

how to get a job as a social media manager