Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a prosecutor? Read on for a glimpse into one district attorney's day.
9:00 a.m.: Arrive at office, check emails, and get files and paperwork for court.
10:00 a.m.: Arrive at court for multiple issues, including an arraignment for a burglary case and hearings for drug possession cases, a money laundering case, and an attempted murder case. Speak with court clerks while clients arrive and judge hears various issues.
12:15 p.m.: Meet opposing counsel for plea bargain agreement for drug possession case.
1:00 p.m.: Quick lunch at desk while looking over emails and making phone calls. Wait for witness to show up at 2:00.
2:00 p.m.: Witness doesn't show. Work on research for motion on attempted murder case involving Fourth Amendment right of seizure.
3:00 p.m.: Brief interview with police officers on felony assault case.
3:30 p.m.: Witness for 2:00 finally shows up with father and sister. Conduct fact-finding issue on domestic violence case. Witness recants some testimony and father pressures her not to testify against her husband, leaving ADA uncertain as to strength of case.
4:45 p.m.: Contact court clerks regarding hearing status of various cases.
5:10 p.m.: Review documents for money laundering case, and call witnesses and corporate officers for interviews in the next few days.
6:15 p.m.: Head home.
This piece and more than 100 other "Day in a Life" profiles—both legal and nonlegal—are available on Vault's site here or can be found under the "Explore Professions" section of the site.
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