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by Emily Wiegand | August 30, 2024


Every company has a unique workplace culture with values specific to the personalities of its leaders and employees. However, the value of being considerate and mindful of coworkers is something that all workplaces have in common. So, here are four things you can incorporate into your daily work life to maintain a harmonious workplace. 

1. Respect Coworkers’ Schedules 

Today, with remote and hybrid work so prevalent, your coworkers’ schedules can be very different from yours. While you might work 9 to 5 each day, some of your peers might work from 7 to 3, and others could work 11 to 7. It’s also possible that you work with colleagues in different time zones (and even on different continents) who have vastly different schedules than you do. So, when working on a project that involves your coworkers, be mindful of the time you’re contacting them. If you need to send them a Slack message or email, be prepared to not hear back until their working hours resume. Sending multiple follow-up messages while you wait for their response isn’t mindful or considerate, and could be annoying and anxiety-inducing for your fellow employees.

2. Ask Questions, Don’t Make Accusations 

While you might think you know a lot about your colleagues, there’s likely a lot about their personal lives you aren’t aware of. That’s why it’s important not to jump to conclusions about them. For example, if you’re working on a team project and one of your colleagues isn’t pulling their weight, it’s easy to assume they don’t care about the project and are being lazy on purpose. However, the story is rarely that simple. There are many possible situations your coworker could be experiencing, from family issues to mental health struggles. Whatever the case might be, always be mindful and never approach your fellow employee with negative accusations. Instead, create a safe space that allows for a productive conversation. If you do that, you’ll likely be able to find a solution that makes everyone happy. Remember, even if your coworker is wearing a smile on their face, you never know who’s secretly doing it with a broken heart.

3. Respect Preferred Communication Methods 

It’s likely that some of your fellow employees prefer email or Slack to communicate, while others find talking on the phone easiest. So, while there will be situations that warrant a specific means of communication, on a day-to-day basis it’s important to be mindful of your coworkers’ preferred methods of communication. You don’t want to consistently call your colleague at every hour of the day if they prefer email. Being mindful of your fellow employees’ communication method shows that you respect your coworkers’ opinions and care about their happiness in the workplace.

4. Don’t Sell Your Side Hustle at Work

Side hustles are great ways of making additional income. However, it’s important to keep your side hustles and your full-time  job responsibilities separate. While you can definitely mention your side gigs to your peers, at the end of the day they are your coworkers, not potential customers. Consistently trying to sell your product to coworkers can cause unnecessary stress and result in a decline in the relationship you have with them. 

Being mindful and considerate goes a long way in creating a healthy work environment where everyone can thrive. The above points might seem like small gestures, but if you incorporate them into your daily routine, they can make a significant and long-lasting impact. 
