
Planning your next big presentation can be as simple as A. B. C. D. E. What do I mean by that? In this video, I explain the five things that you need to keep in mind (scroll down for the transcript):
Planning your next big presentation can be as simple as A. B. C. D. E. What do I mean by that? Here are the five things that you need to keep in mind:
A stands for Affective: How do I want my audience to feel while I'm presenting to them and after I've left the room?
B stands for Behavior: What behavior change am I trying to inspire? What would I like them to do differently as a result of my presentation?
C stands for Cognitive: What do I need this group to know or understand that will help them change their behavior?
D stands for Drivers: What will really motivate and inspire them to make the change? A
E stands for Engage: How can I involve them in the presentation and make them feel really engaged in what I have been pitching them all along?
That's why preparing for your next presentation can really be as simple as ABCDE. Take the time to think about what this group of listeners should know, feel, and do, as well as what motivates them and what will get them involved. That way, you’ll be making your audience members and their needs the focus of the presentation, rather than yourself (or your anxiety about presenting!).
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