Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2024): 98 total (69 2Ls; 291Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2023): 53 out of 53
Summer Associate Salary:
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Please visit the firm’s website to view summer program contacts for each office.
1L Summers: Yes
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: No
Split Summer with Another Firm: Case by Case
Split Summer with Another Office: No
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: May 15th
Offices with a Summer Program
- Boston
- Dallas
- Houston
- Los Angeles
- New York
- Washington, DC
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Berkeley Law
- Boston University School of Law
- Cardozo Law
- Cornell Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Emory University School of Law
- Fordham University School of Law
- George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School
- Georgetown Law
- George Washington University Law School
- Harvard Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- NYU Law
- SMU Dedman School of Law
- Stanford Law School
- Tulane Law School
- UCLA School of Law
- University of Houston Law Center
- University of Michigan Law School
- University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
- University of Texas at Austin School of Law
- University of Virginia School of Law
- USC Gould School of Law
- Vanderbilt Law School
- William & Mary Law School
Career Fairs Attended
- Lavender Law Career Fair
- Loyola Patent Law Interview Program
Our Survey Says
- “There were many, and very substantive trainings. There were also ample work opportunities without pressure to overwork. The firm's priority was for us to network and try different practice areas.”
- “I was given substantive projects and handled actual first-year associate tasks including drafting certificates and resolutions.”
- “The work included substantive research and work fitting for a junior associate. The attorneys I worked with took the time to review my work product with me and answer questions I had along the way.”
- “There was a free market system that allowed summer associates to seek out the work we were interested in. There was also formal mentorship at all levels for specific groups that we expressed interest in over the summer.”
- “There were many social opportunities, and great camaraderie among summer associates. Because we were a smaller class, we got to know each other very well and are still well connected as first years. ...”
- “There is a very high level of camaraderie among the Akin summer associates. The social events were well-attended, and firm attorneys from all levels regularly attended the programming.”
- “The social events consisted of lunches, dinners, coffee chats, baseball games, art class, etc. They were generally well-attended, but there were a few where it was mostly the summer associate class and no attorneys. There was generally good camaraderie among the summer associate class.”
- “Very collegial atmosphere. It never felt like any attorneys were at these events because they were told to be there. Our summer class was extremely tight, as most of us spent multiple summers with the firm.”
- “I have been pleasantly surprised by the honesty of the attorneys during summer program. Attorneys were very honest but not overly pessimistic about firm life. As a first year, I have not been shocked by the workload or nature of my work.”
- “I have been pleasantly surprised to see how everyone is just as nice as they were during the summer program.”
- “Very pleasantly surprised that I am able to work with a lot of different partners and even with different practice groups. There is a lot of crossover between groups.”
- “The summer program gave me a very accurate picture of what it is like to practice at Akin as an attorney.”
- “The boat tour around Manhattan, as well as the Mets game at Citi field.”
- “My favorite summer event was going to see Hadestown on Broadway.”
- “Arcade night.”
- “Poker night at a partner's house.”
The Firm Says
Akin summer associates work on real matters for real clients. Summer associates gain in-depth exposure to the firm’s practices and hands-on experience with clients and work that interests them. With training, mentorship, teamwork, and social activities, summer associates get a realistic and meaningful picture of firm life. Summer associates participate in pro bono projects through organizations with which Akin has a pro bono partnership. These projects are geared to summer associates’ interests and maximize front-line responsibility while ensuring appropriate supervision from experienced attorneys. Summer associates receive feedback on a project-by-project basis and at mid-summer and end-of-summer reviews.