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Bookoff McAndrews PLLC

Our Survey Says


Bookoff McAndrews in DC specializes in IP law, and associates report that the firm culture, partner relations, quality work opportunities, and career prospects are excellent. The hiring process is competitive and comprehensive, and candidates with experience and suitable personality are pursued. Coworkers are professional, inclusive, and collaborative, and just the right mix of social events allows work-life balance. Lateral hires transition effectively through training and meetings, and they receive work soon after onboarding. Partners are accessible and supportive colleagues who value associates and genuinely care about associates’ learning and development. In fact, associate and partner mentors, in addition to weekly CLEs and patent law updates, create extensive and fruitful growth opportunities for associates. Lawyers enjoy varied and substantive work assignments, including stretch assignments, which are meted out with appropriate guidance. Projects are allocated fairly based on the technical expertise and interests of an associate, and work is promptly redistributed when someone is overwhelmed. The billable requirement at BoMc is a reasonable 1,850 hours, with part-time status an option, and associates enjoy meaningful flexibility for remote work. Although below the BigLaw standard, salaries are generous, and bonuses are awarded on the basis of billable hours and on performance, with an hours-based quarterly bonuses a unique firm perk. Firm technology, particularly with respect to remote work, and patent-focused software, is innovative and increases lawyer efficiency. Associates appreciate that the partnership and firm management care about their well-being by encouraging them to use personal time or work a reduced number of hours. Because the firm focuses on IP work, no structured pro bono program has been established. The firm celebrates DEI through hiring, regularly scheduled events, and speakers. Senior associate roles are viable long-term positions, and promotion to partner is a realistic goal. Going in-house with clients is also a reasonable option.

Bookoff McAndrews PLLC

2000 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Suite 4001
Washington, DC, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 808-3550

Firm Stats

Managing Partner: Chris Agrawal
Recruiting Chairs: Elizabeth Shah & Ankit Aggarwal
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
50 - 100
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:

Base Salary

Salaries not disclosed.

Employment Contact

Allyson Friedland
Recruiting Manager
(202) 978-1720
General Recruiting Email:

No. of U.S. Offices: 1

No. of International Offices: 0

Major Office Locations

Washington, DC

Major Departments

Patent Law
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.