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Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2024): 46 total (27 2Ls; 19 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2023): 34 out of 35

Summer Program Length:

10 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Tonya Gaskins
Senior Emerging Talent Manager
(202) 508-6174

Our Survey Says

  • “I thought the actual work assigns were fairly straightforward, and I think I could have been tasked with more projects throughout the summer.”
  • “Work assignments tend to be low-stakes, making it a good opportunity to learn without the added pressure. The assignments seemed to lean more litigation heavy. Workload coordinators really serve as resource/middlemen between us and the attorneys to ensure we are not working on too much at once.”
  • “In addition to completing research assignments, I also completed a few substantive assignments, like drafting a mediation statement.”
  • “Summer associates work on active litigation or corporate matters and also receive training in technology systems, case management, and other pertinent topics. Summers also participate in the Anti-Defamation League's writing and research competition with other national law firms and have won three years in a row.”
  • “The program presented a lot of opportunities for getting to know others in the firm, allowing you to feel more comfortable when it came to getting assignments. The summer associates get along well, and there is no intimidation or sense of competition amongst us, which is refreshing. Social events were so fun and great ways to bond with others and see firsthand the culture of the firm and the importance [it] places on working alongside good people.”
  • “There were a number of summer happy hours and other events that were well-attended. The interaction between summer associates was very positive.”
  • “Social events were [held], at least, weekly and involved city-specific activities like supporting sports teams or trying local venues and restaurants while meeting lawyers.”
  • “There were several social events each week that helped me establish meaningful relationships with the attorneys in my office. They were usually well attended. I even appreciated the events that were not very well attended; it suggested that my office was supportive of attorneys prioritizing their lives and personal commitments after hours.”
  • “The biggest difference is the adjustment to hours. I think the summer program doesn't prepare you for the amount of weekends and late nights you have as an associate. That is to be expected though, as the purpose of the summer program is not to overwhelm prospective associates.”
  • “Socially and culturally, things have lived up to the expectations set during the summer. BCLP is a great firm, filled with even greater people, and that was clear to me during the summer program, which really influenced my decision to come here full time. Most of the work during the summer was litigation-focused, which makes it hard to know exactly what a transactional practice looks like on the day-to-day.”
  • “The nature of the work is more diverse and across offices than I expected as a summer.”
  • “The ‘lifestyle’ part of the firm's culture I did not think would actually be true once I started working here, but it is. Everyone really cares about you on a personal level and makes an effort to make sure you are not overworked and can take time off and time to be with family and friends.”
  • “End of the summer party at our office managing partner's house.”
  • “Cardinals baseball in the firm's suite.”
  • “Pickleball and the painting event at a winery.”
  • “Trip to Boulder, CO, to visit the Boulder office and attend an event at a partner's house in town.”

The Firm Says

BCLP’s U.S. Summer Program provides summer associates with a “real world” junior associate experience working in a team environment. Summer associates engage in substantive, challenging work that allows them the freedom to test their skills through projects across various practice areas and working with a mix of partners and associates. The program allows summer associates to learn about the Firm’s Core Values, provides formal and informal training, and feedback including a formal review process. Expectations are realistic and our summer associates are provided with many opportunities to shadow attorneys, including attending client meetings, depositions, hearings, oral arguments, board meetings, and much more. BCLP sponsors a variety of cultural, educational, volunteer, and recreational activities throughout the program to give our summer associates ample opportunities to interact with our colleagues. For many, getting to know our people is the best part of the summer experience.