Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2024): 17 total (14 2Ls; 3 1Ls)
Summer Associate Salary:
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Ashley Itson
Manager of Law School Recruiting
(617) 248-4057
1L Summers: Yes. (Diversity Fellows and Experienced Hire Fellows)
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: No
Split Summer with Another Firm: No
Split Summer with Another Office: N/A - single office firm
Offices with a Summer Program
- Boston
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Boston College Law School
- Boston University School of Law
- Columbia Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Georgetown Law
- Harvard Law School
- Northeastern University School of Law
- NYU Law
- Suffolk University Law School
- University of Michigan Law School
- University of Virginia School of Law
Career Fairs Attended
- Boston Lawyers Group Job Fair
The Firm Says
Each year, Choate recruits an exceptionally talented, accomplished, and diverse summer class. Our summer program is designed to prepare this group for a successful career when they return to the firm after law school. The firm’s program includes intensive training from day one (on-the-job and formal sessions) and an opportunity to receive substantive, individualized opportunities to do impactful work for our clients. Our balanced associate-to-partner ratio ensures that summer associates work directly with partners and associates at all levels. As part of our strong commitment to mentoring, each summer associate is assigned three mentors: a partner mentor, a mid-level associate mentor, and a junior associate mentor with whom they meet routinely. In addition to client work and training and mentoring, summer associates build lasting relationships in the Choate and Boston communities through social events, volunteer and pro bono experiences.