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Crowell & Moring

Our Survey Says


Founded only 45 years ago, Crowell & Moring is still young, but it has established a great place for work quality and attorney relations. Candidates, preferably with work or clerkship experience and good grades, must be hardworking and well-rounded. An interest in regulatory work helps. Office settings are comfortable and collaborative, and coworkers personally care about each other but respect boundaries. Partners help foster associate growth by seeking their input and providing feedback. Moreover, lean teams facilitate close relationships among attorneys and give associates opportunities to take challenging, interesting work early in their careers. Significant assignments are dispensed equitably. Skills boot camps and trial advocacy trainings are frequently offered, and the firm assigns mentors; for laterals, a lateral associate retreat helps onboard new hires and introduce them to others. Crowell & Moring offers two billable hours tracks at 2,000 hours and 1,900 hours; many attorneys elect for lower billable hours targets. Salaries are slightly below market, but associates note that the shortfall can be mitigated through bonuses. Wellness offerings include yoga and 40 hours of vacation or “unplugged” time that count as billable. Firm technology has been improved but needs to be updated further. The firm’s commitment to pro bono work is realized through a wide variety of opportunities, and up to 100 hours of it are billable. Associates recognize the firm’s affinity groups, dedicated staff, and welcoming atmosphere. They feel particularly positive about their advancement prospects: Counsel, non-equity and equity partnerships, and in-house and government positions are all options.

Crowell & Moring

1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC, DC 20004-2595
Phone: (202) 624-2500

Firm Stats

Chair: Philip T. Inglima
Hiring Partners: Dj Wolf and Astor Heaven
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
500 - 750
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:
2,000 or 1,900

Base Salary

Base Salary (2024)
1st year: $205,000
2nd year: $215,000
3rd year: $240,000
4th year: $275,000
5th year: $305,000
6th year: $330,000
Summer Associate: $3,942/week

Employment Contact

Lynn Herron
Assistant Legal Talent Acquisition Director
(202) 624-2500
General Recruiting Email:

No. of U.S. Offices: 7

No. of International Offices: 4

Major Office Locations

Washington, DC
Chicago, IL
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Orange County, CA
San Francisco, CA
Denver, CO

Major Departments

Advertising & Media
Environment & Natural Resources
Government Affairs
Government Contracts
Health Care
Intellectual Property
International Litigation and Arbitration
International Trade
Labor & Employment
Mass Tort, Product, and Consumer Litigation
Privacy and Cybersecurity
White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.