Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2023): 30 total (25 2Ls; 5 1Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2023): 24 out of 24
Summer Associate Salary:
Summer Associate: $3,942/week
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Alice Kelly
Recruiting Manager
General Recruiting Email:
1L Summers: Yes
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: No
Split Summer with Another Firm: Case by Case
Split Summer with Another Office: No
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: May 29, 2024
Offices with a Summer Program
- Chicago
- Denver
- Los Angeles
- New York
- Orange County
- San Francisco
- Washington, DC
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Berkeley Law
- Cornell Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Fordham University School of Law
- Georgetown Law
- George Washington University Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- LMU Loyola Law School
- NYU Law
- UC Irvine School of Law
- UCLA School of Law
- University of Michigan Law School
- University of Virginia School of Law
- USC Gould School of Law
Career Fairs Attended
- Bay Area Diversity Job Fair
- CCBA Minority Job Fair
- Lavender Law Career Fair
- Patent Law Interview Program
Our Survey Says
- “My summer associate program was significantly hindered by the pandemic, so I did not get the full experience. I believe the summer associate program has improved significantly since then.”
- “Now that it is in-person again, the summer program appears to be a lot better—with a lot of fun events and encouraged, built-in networking opportunities. The recent summer associate class, in particular, seemed to be very close.”
- “There was a cruise through the Potomac as well as a soccer game and baseball game with suites that were very fun.”
- “Although my summer assignments were substantive, assignments as a full-time associate involve a long-term commitment that is hard to understand as a summer associate. Workflow as a full-time associate is also more free market and organic, whereas my summer program had weekly assignments and check-ins with a staffing attorney.”
- “The summer prepared me well to be an associate, as I assisted on assignments that made their way back to clients.”
- “First-year experience is even better than the summer experience. Very happy.”
The Firm Says
Crowell’s summer associate program is an introduction to what it’s really like to be a lawyer here. The work, training, and social events provide a great idea of who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Our program provides opportunities for growth and development, and for summer associates to demonstrate how their talents and perspective will enrich our community. Work is assigned by staffing coordinators based on practice interests of the summer associate. Each summer associate is also asked to work on at least one pro bono project. Crowell summer associates participate in a robust training program where they’re introduced to firm leaders and practice groups, learn about different career paths of firm lawyers, and participate in interactive skill building programs. We have fun too! Activities are designed to introduce summer associates to lawyers and professional staff, build a class community, and get to know the city.