Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2024): 112 total (104 2Ls; 8 1Ls)
No. of 2L Offers (2023): 127 out of 127
Summer Associate Salary:
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Sandra E. Herbst
Chief Legal Recruiting Officer
(212) 909-6657
1L Summers: No
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: No
Split Summer with Another Firm: Yes
Split Summer with Another Office: Yes
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: OCI and in June, after students have received their second semester grades.
Offices with a Summer Program
- New York
- Washington, DC
- San Francisco
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- Berkeley Law
- Brooklyn Law School
- Cardozo Law
- Columbia Law School
- Cornell Law School
- Duke University School of Law
- Fordham University School of Law
- Georgetown Law
- Harvard Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- New York Law School
- NYU Law
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, School of Law - Camden
- Seton Hall Law
- Stanford Law School
- St. John's University School of Law
- University of Chicago Law School
- University of Michigan Law School
- University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
- University of Virginia School of Law
- Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
- Yale Law School
Career Fairs Attended
- Lavender Law Career Fair
- LeGaL's LGBTQ Legal Career Fair
- Northeast BLSA Job Fair
Our Survey Says
- “Every practice group would present to the summer associates to give us guidance on what opportunities would be available to us to choose from upon returning as associates. We had centralized staffing that would help us take on assignments in groups that we were interested in. The associates within these groups would then delegate work.”
- “The summer program was fantastic, and I got many opportunities to work on substantive assignments and add value to the teams I was on. All of the teams provided the necessary instruction and guidance and included me on all team meetings and strategy sessions to ensure I was aware of the larger purpose and role of my assignments. The staffing team also ensured I got substantive opportunities in all of the practice areas I mentioned interest in.”
- “I was treated as a full team member on each of my matters right from the start. I was in team meetings, attended client calls, and was given work that clearly had use to the project. There was no busy work. At the same time, everyone was very aware to not overload us.”
- “Offered substantive assignments, especially pro bono assignments, and worked directly with several partners and associates even though the summer program was remote. There were several practice group presentations and a few formal training sessions, all of which were helpful.”
- “The firm has done a great job of filling up social events that allow summers to get to know one another and the other attorneys at the firm. There is not tremendous pressure to attend every single event, but people are encouraged to make arrangements for work obligations so that they can attend.”
- “We had several planned social events that gave the summer associates the opportunity to bond outside of the firm. Some of the most meaningful interactions I had with firm attorneys were spontaneous lunches, coffees, and even nail appointments where we were able to speak informally about the firm outside of the office.”
- “The people are really the best part of the firm. People willingly take time to mentor younger associates and they seem to genuinely care. Those relationships have largely carried over into my full-time work.”
- “There were nice social events over the summer, including a Central Park Zoo outing for everyone's families and a dinner at Tavern on the Green. Debevoise is not showy about the summer and is not the type of firm to shell out for concert tickets, but the events I went to were low-key and fun. There were always partners and associates willing to take me out to lunch, and I liked the other summers and got along with them well.”
- “There was a lot more flexibility in choosing your practice area during the summer than as an associate. However, this is because of the fact that [in litigation,] you are a generalist for your first two years. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of responsibility given to me as a first-year associate.”
- “My summer experiences, although shortened, was a great first look at what the firm expects from its associates. I did not have many work assignments, but those that I did have were substantive, and I received feedback on each of them. This has been par for the course since starting full time. The firm was also honest about its high expectations for work product and participation in firm life, so while my hours from that summer pale in comparison to what I work now, no one should be surprised that a full-time job can be busy.”
- “In my view, the summer program provided a good window into associate life at the firm. As a result, I am not surprised by the level and amount of work required as a first year. Expectations are obviously high, but again that is expected. If anything, I am engaged in a more diverse array of assignments than anticipated (in a good way!).”
- “The experience at the firm thus far has met or exceeded all expectations. The training and support is even better than I anticipated. As I was told by attorneys, the firm has a collaborative, collegial culture, and it has certainly felt that way, even more so than I witnessed as a summer associate. Everything I was told about choosing areas/nature of the work has been true.”
- “I really love trivia, so I liked the trivia event we did down at Chelsea Piers—it was a beautiful evening, the waterfront views were nice, and we got to be both competitive and social.”
- “Probably Yankees and Mets games.”
- “We were taken to a bar that had ping-pong tables and mini lessons. This was pretty fun, as were a few baseball games we went to.”
- “We went to a soccer game and a Broadway show in the park.”
The Firm Says
During your summer, we will introduce you to the firm—to Debevoise partners, counsel, and associates, your summer colleagues and the practice of law. Summer associates are involved in substantive client work from the outset, and our summer program offers the flexibility to explore different practice areas or focus on just one. You’ll be invited to participate in firm training programs and attend department and practice lunches alongside Debevoise attorneys discussing substantive developments and exchanging insights about issues affecting our clients. Programs cover topics such as the fundamentals of negotiation, developing a core theory for a litigation, a workshop on effective legal writing, and “Private Equity Funds 101.” The summer program also offers exposure to our diversity and pro bono programs and information about the opportunities to get involved. Organized social events introduce summer associates to New York, to each other, and to lawyers within the firm. In prior summers, these have included dinners hosted by partners in their homes, sporting and cultural events, and pro bono benefits and activities.