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Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP


About Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP

Based in New York City, Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP represents clients in appellate, bankruptcy, employment, financial services, insurance, intellectual property and technology, internal investigations and regulatory enforcement, real estate, securities, and pro bono. Today, some of DPK's notable clients include BlackRock, Credit Suisse, Empire State Realty Trust, Deutsche Bank, Starwood Capital Group, The Hartford, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Citigroup, Houlihan Lokey and Secure Natural Resources LLC, among many others.

At Home in the Big Apple

Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky was founded 20 years ago by three lawyers from Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP and Kaye Scholer LLP who believed in the many advantages a boutique offers both clients and lawyers. The firm has since become one of the leading litigation boutiques in New York City, with an established record of successfully representing clients in complex litigation matters, including trials, appeals and regulatory investigations. The firm has intentionally stayed small in order to preserve the team-based, personal, and tailored approach to clients that the firm’s founders originally envisioned for DPK.

A New York State of Mind

DPK defended the supervisor of the Empire State Building in a series of class actions asserting that defendants had breached their fiduciary duties in connection with the consolidation of the Empire State Building with other properties into a publicly traded REIT.  An appeals court affirmed dismissal of plaintiffs’ latest complaint.  This was only the most recent in a series of consecutive wins in this long-running case, which dates back to the company’s $930M IPO in 2013.

Under the Sea

DPK represented Tyco in a multi-year litigation concerning alleged breaches of a settlement agreement over a planned trans-oceanic undersea cable system. DPK was retained after Tyco lost on summary judgment, where plaintiffs sought more than $300 million in damages. DPK won a reversal of that ruling, which was affirmed by the Court of Appeals in a significant and widely cited ruling on the New York law of preliminary agreements. This was the first of the firm’s two Court of Appeals victories in the case.

Small But Mighty

For the past two years, DPK was named by The National Law Journal to its annual Litigation Boutiques Hot List. This distinction recognizes ten "small but powerful" law firms in the country that achieved significant litigation victories for their clients. For the second consecutive year, DPK co-founder Tom Dewey was recommended by Chambers USA in the category of NY General Commercial Litigation. In addition, DPK co-founding Partners Steve Kramarsky and Tom Dewey are regular columnists for the New York Law Journal, and have been writing for them for nearly a decade. Steve writes a quarterly intellectual property column and Tom writes a quarterly settlements and compromise column.

Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP

777 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 943-9000

Firm Stats

Founders: Thomas E.L. Dewey, David S. Pegno, Stephen M. Kramarsky
Total No. Attorneys (2020):
1 - 50

Base Salary

The firm does not disclose salary information. 

Employment Contact

Keara A. Bergin
(212) 943-9000 x113

No. of U.S. Offices: 1

No. of International Offices: 0

Major Office Locations

New York, NY

Major Departments

Financial Services
Intellectual Property and Technology
Internal Investigations and Regulatory Enforcement
Real Estate
Pro Bono