Our Survey Says
If you’re interested in a mostly remote practice focused on healthcare law, Hooper Lundy pairs that with a collegial and highly collaborative culture. Partners are kind, invested in associate success, and transparent about the state of the firm, with a quarterly call to update all attorneys on finances, firm direction, and the market. The billable hour requirement is 1,900, with associates having plenty of work without feeling overwhelmed. The firm’s base salary is a little below BigLaw market rates, but there are bonuses available for high billers that move compensation closer to market. The work is highly technical and substantive, with associates regularly doing work above their experience level (but provided with support where they need it). Technology is solid and remote work is seamless, with associates being provided a tech stipend to set up their home offices. The firm has several wellness initiatives, but most associates feel the flexible, balanced culture is more useful on that front anyway. Formal training is not a strong point, but the firm’s mentorship program and the availability of organic mentors are highly valued by associates as they learn their trade. Partnership is realistic for those who want it, and the specialized healthcare skillset is in high demand for outside roles, but the long-term viability of non-partner counsel roles is unclear. The firm allows 100 hours of pro bono work to count toward the billable hour requirement, and associates are very satisfied with the firm’s diversity commitment—50 hours of billable credit is offered for diversity-related work and activities.
1875 Century Park East
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (310) 551-8111
Managing Partner: Mark E. Reagan
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
50 - 100
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:
1st year: $215,000
2nd year: $225,000
3rd year: $250,000
Zevit Reid
Director of Administration & Human Resources
(310) 551-8149
General Recruiting Email: recruiting@hooperlundy.com
No. of U.S. Offices: 6
No. of International Offices: 0
Los Angeles, CA (HQ)
Boston, MA
Denver, CO
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC
Academic Medicine
Antitrust and Unfair Business Practices
Behavioral Health & Community-Based Care
Corporate & Transactional
False Claims Act
Fraud & Abuse, Stark, Anti-Kickback Counseling and Defense
Government Relations & Public Policy
Health Care Financial Restructuring
Health Care Technology
Health Information Privacy & Security
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Managed Care
Medical Staff Operations & Disputes
Medicare, Medicaid, Other Governmental Reimbursement & Payment
Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Services & Supports
Provider & Supplier Operations
Real Estate
White Collar Criminal Defense, Reproductive Health
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.