Our Survey Says
Morgan Lewis’ ratings in this year’s survey make it very clear that it is an excellent place to work. The culture is collegial, social, and fun. Partners are courteous and respectful of associates, and the firm is transparent with reviews, finances, and promotions. The firm has an achievable billable hour expectation of 2,000 hours and 1,900 for bonus eligibility, and at the time the survey was issued, it had a three-days-in-office hybrid work schedule. Morgan Lewis consistently matches the top of the market in terms of compensation and does not vary compensation by office, making its associates very happy. Work assignments are generally appropriate for an associate’s experience level, and the technological and other support infrastructure for both at-home and in-office work is excellent and cutting-edge. The firm makes a real effort to promote wellness with numerous initiatives, and associates enjoy a robust, financed commitment to mentorship and both formal and informal training. Equity partnership is realistic—if difficult to achieve—through a generally transparent process, and other long-term roles and many good exit opportunities are well-supported. The firm has an incredible commitment to pro bono work, with a mandatory 20-hour minimum for bonus eligibility and all pro bono hours counted as billable without a cap. Finally, the firm rates highly across every DEI category surveyed, with associates praising the firm for crediting DEI hours toward the billable goal as well as offering robust recruitment and retention initiatives for all groups.
2222 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 963-5000
Chair of the Firm: Jami Wintz McKeon
Firmwide Hiring Partner: Jennifer Breen
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
2K - 2.5K
No. of Partners Named 2023:
All offices:
1st year: $225,000
2nd year: $235,000
3rd year: $260,000
4th year: $310,000
5th year: $365,000
6th year: $390,000
7th year: $420,000
8th year Undisclosed
Summer Associate: $4,326/week
Lani Walser
Chief Associate Talent Officer
(213) 680-6618
Recruiting contacts for all offices at morganlewis.com/careers
No. of U.S. Offices: 18
No. of International Offices: 15
Boston, MA
Century City, CA
Chicago, IL
Dallas, TX
Hartford, CT
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Orange County, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Princeton, NJ
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA
Silicon Valley, CA
Washington, DC
Wilmington, DE
Abu Dhabi
Hong Kong
Antitrust & Competition
Corporate & Business Transactions
Crisis Management
Energy & Project Development
FDA & Healthcare
Intellectual Property
Investment Management
Labor, Employment & Benefits
Life Sciences
Structured Transactions
Telecommunications, Media & Technology
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.