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Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP

Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2022): 81 total (49 2Ls; 32 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2022): 35 out of 49

Summer Associate Salary:

$1,600-$3,100 weekly

Summer Program Length:

10 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Ashley Taylor-Lampkin
Legal Recruiting & Development Coordinator

Our Survey Says

  • “The work assignments were things that a first-year associate would handle. I drafted documents that a first-year associate would be asked to draft, and I completed other work assignments that a first-year associate would be asked to complete. The assignments as a summer associate were piecemeal, so putting it all together as a first-year associate was different from the summer associate experience.”
  • “NMRS assigns summer associates workflow coordinators who gauge their interests and help assign them relevant work experiences in their preferred practice areas.”
  • “[Summer assignments] included in-court observation opportunities, drafting substantive briefs and memoranda, and involvement in research and document review. In all, the program provided a very close approximation of expectations for first-year associates. The program began with a three-day training program for all summer associates.”
  • “Social events were fun. The summer associate committee definitely put thought into the events and rallied attorney participation. The camaraderie among summer associates was good. That changes with every class because all people are different and personalities are different. Interaction with attorneys was also good. Attorneys were willing to answer questions, go to lunch, and help summer associates find work assignments that interested them.”
  • “There were frequent lunches with attorneys, an outdoor barbecue event, and a socially-distanced mixology class. NMRS did a good job finding activities to help summer associates get to know each other, the attorneys, and the firms that were appropriate for the pandemic summer class.”
  • “The social events were fun but not over the top. We had an escape room event, an evening out at Cirque du Soleil, an event hosted in one of the partner's homes, and several smaller ‘mixer’- type events. The events were typically well attended by summer associates, associates, and a few partners. The team structure of the firm means summer associates don't get to work together very often (I was the only 2L summer on my team).”
  • “I envisioned doing more appellate work than I currently do, based on my summer experience. This was not something that was promised but was more of a function of the type of work I did as a summer associate. I do some appellate work, but not nearly as much as a percentage of my overall work as I did as a summer associate. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of ‘real’ work and responsibility I've been given in such a short amount of time. I currently have several cases that I ‘own’ and am responsible for managing, and I've drafted substantive motions, handled a hearing, and have an upcoming magistrate's court trial.”
  • “On the whole, I have been pleasantly surprised at the opportunity to work with particular attorneys and the level of responsibility allowed to young associates. [There have been] no promises or impressions from the firm or attorneys that do not comport with reality.”
  • “The focus of my work has shifted dramatically, and I was also not prepared for certain aspects of the independence and time management that has come with being a practicing attorney. The shift in focus is not negative at all, simply a reflection of the shift towards FinTech in the industry. The independence and time-management skills are something I am working on, and which time is very actively assisting with.”
  • “Braves game.”
  • “Well attended firm event at Fenway park was very fun.”
  • “Cirque du Soleil was, by far, the best event.”
  • “We had a virtual trivia night and multiple lunches with the summers and other attorneys who were able to participate, given social distancing requirements, which were great.”

The Firm Says

In the summer of 2022, the firm hosted another successful summer program. Summer associates, under attorney supervision, work on current client matters, participate on practice teams, attend associate training programs, and are paired with experienced attorneys through the summer associate mentor program. Additionally, associates act as workflow coordinators to ensure summer associates have balanced workloads and receive a variety of projects.