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"Most big law firms profess a devotion to diversity. Paul, Weiss has a history of putting it into practice. In 1927, when Louis Weiss and John Wharton merged their small firm with the firm that Louis's father had founded, they did so with the then-exceptional policy of bucking the prevailing system in which Jews and Gentiles did not mingle in practice or in clientele. In the same year, Paul, Weiss hired William T. Coleman, top-of-his class African-American graduate of Harvard Law School and former Supreme Court clerk, at a time when no..."

Read more from this firm's Diversity Report (PDF)
Paul, Weiss

1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-6064
Phone: (212) 373-3000

Firm Stats

Firm Chair: Brad S. Karp
Deputy Chair: Valerie E. Radwaner
Hiring Partners: Jaren Janghorbani, Greg Laufer, Elizabeth McColm, Laura Turano
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
1K - 1.5K
No. of Partners Named 2024:

Base Salary

1st year: $225,000
2nd year: $235,000
3rd year: $260,000
4th year: $310,000
5th year: $365,000
6th year: $360,000
7th year: $420,000
8th year: $435,000 Summer Associate: $4,327 weekly

Employment Contact

Pamela N. Davidson
Chief Legal Personnel and Recruitment Officer
(212) 373-2548

No. of U.S. Offices: 5

No. of International Offices: 5

Major Office Locations

New York, NY (HQ)
Washington, DC
San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Wilmington, DE
Hong Kong

Major Departments

Capital Markets
Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
Cybersecurity & Data Protection
Digital Technology
Executive Compensation
Internal Investigations
Investment Management
IP & Technology Transactions
Mergers & Acquisitions
Private Equity
Real Estate
Securities Litigation
Supreme Court & Appellate Litigation
White Collar & Regulatory Defense
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.