About Roberts & Holland LLP
With around 30 lawyers spread across two offices on the East Coast, Roberts & Holland focuses on all facets of tax law—the firm’s bread and butter since its founding more than 50 years ago. The firm also counsels on bankruptcy, employee benefits, and executive compensation matters.
Ambitious Beginnings
Roberts & Holland was founded in 1957 by Sidney I. Roberts and William C. Warren, the dean of Columbia Law School from 1952 to 1970. Roberts and Warren foresaw the area of taxation as poised for enormous growth. They originally focused on real estate and corporate taxation and co-authored a comprehensive treatise on the U.S. taxation of foreign corporations and individuals that became the definitive reference guide for other tax professionals. They built on that expertise and broadened the scope of the practice to all areas of federal and state taxation.
Tax, Tax, & More Tax
Attorneys at Roberts & Holland handle just about every kind of tax issue that may arise. The firm has experience advising on corporate taxation, international taxation, real estate taxation, and state and local taxation, as well as handling litigation relating to tax issues. In addition, the firm offers estate and personal tax planning, which includes international tax planning.
Roberts & Holland’s clients include major publicly traded U.S. and foreign multinational companies, including banks, insurance companies, REITs, and pension funds; large closely held companies; real estate investors; private equity and hedge funds; tax-exempt organizations; and high-net-worth individuals and families.
Go Small to Go Big
Just shy of three dozen lawyers, Roberts & Holland isn’t the biggest firm on the block, but that hardly stops the firm from bringing in top-notch work. In fact, its size and focus may be to the firm’s benefit. According to the firm, its ability to focus mostly on tax law provides its attorneys with a greater variety of work than they may experience at larger firms whose tax practices may be tied to the firm’s corporate practice. On its site, the firm shares that, “[f]ocusing only on taxation for sophisticated clients keeps us on the leading edge of current developments.”
1675 Broadway
17th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 903-8700
Hiring Partner: Quincy Cotton
Total No. Attorneys (2021):
1 - 50
1st year: $225,000
No. of U.S. Offices: 2
No. of International Offices: 0
New York, NY
Washington, DC
Corporate Tax
International Tax
Real Estate Tax
Tax Controversy and Litigation
State and Local Tax
Employee Benefits
Executive Compensation
Estate and Personal Tax Planning
Workouts and Debt Restructuring
Tax-Exempt Organizations
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.